June General Market Comments

by Pierre Mouton Jul 1 2024

June General Market Comments

“In the Summertime” – Mungo Jerry, 1970

Yes, it’s now summertime; a season supposed to be quieter for financial markets. But history suggests that it’s not necessarily the case and that, for whatever reasons, there can be significant spikes of volatility during the summer months. In Mungo Jerry’s song, it’s all about easy and pleasant choices to be made in summertime, while, for investors, choices can be tricky, especially after the very particular first half we’ve been through and the multiple possible troublemakers ahead, like US elections and the Democrat candidate debate, French elections, continuous geopolitical tensions, Central Banks policies, the Yen’s incredible weakness (is it hiding something serious?), and, of course, demanding valuations in equity markets which are more polarized than ever, with the spectacular dominance from AI-related plays and Growth versus the rest of the market, not to mention very tight credit spreads which are at relatively dangerous levels if we look at the past occurrences when it reached these lows.

June 2024 has been kind of a redux of the last 18 months for equities: the MSCI World Growth added 4.8% while the MSCI World Value lost more than 1%, this says it all. The dynamics around AI and especially Nvidia buoyed the Nasdaq again (+6.2%), and the S&P 500 benefited as well with a +3.5% return. European markets have been weak, with the French elections possibly jeopardizing an historical centre (left or right) oriented National Assembly: the Stoxx 600 lost 1.3% and the euro fell 1.24% versus the dollar. Sovereign spreads also tended to widen on the Old Continent. The Japanese Topix added 1.3%, the MSCI Emerging Markets 3.6% and the Chinese CSI lost 3.3%. When measured into USD, many markets struggle versus the S&P 500 year to date: Europe is 11% behind, Japan 10%, China 16% and EM 8%.

Long term Government yields receded somewhat with better inflation gauges, Credit was down, and Gold stayed flat while Oil added 5.9%, outstripping the shiny stuff for the year (+13.8% versus +12.8%).




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