your fund

Fully integrated, end-to-end solutions for fund creation with Luxembourg’s first Super ManCo.

Our Super ManCo* provides a comprehensive, one-stop shop solution for creating your own investment vehicle. From selecting the optimal legal structure to ensuring efficient day-to-day management, we guide you through every step required to launch a regulated investment vehicle. All with the same commitment to quality service that has been our hallmark for decades.

* Management Company


CHF 8 Bn
fund assets under management
+ 80
+ 50
white label funds
dedicated employees


As Luxembourg’s first Super ManCo, we were granted the AIFM license, the Chapter 15 Management Company license under the UCITS law and the extended licenses covering Discretionary Portfolio Management. Our platform combines governance, compliance and innovation, adapting dynamically to meet client needs and evolving regulatory demands.

Similar to the continued support and quality services we offer our clients, our talents choose to stay with us over the years due to our unwavering commitment to mutual growth and success.

Paolo Faraone CEO Ns Partners Europe
Head Of Management Company Services
And Fund Engineering


Fund engineering & set up

We manage your fund project from end to end and assist you through all the legal, administrative, regulatory and operational steps required to launch your own investment vehicle.

Our services include drafting essential documents, coordinating with Luxembourg authorities (CSSF) for approval, and organizing the operational setup with all necessary partners.

We assist you with constitutive documents drafting (articles of incorporation and prospectus), the investment management, advisory and distribution agreements, the central administration, custodian bank and domiciliation service agreements, the risk management process, as well as the internal investment guidelines. We organise the operational setup and help you select all the providers and partners you need.

We advise you, file the constitutive documents of your fund and liaise with Luxembourg authorities (CSSF) until approval.

Contact us


As an independent partner, we help ensure your fund operates in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations, while acting in investors’ best interests.

We provide your Board with robust governance support and custom monitoring solutions.


Investment management

Thanks to our 60+ years’ experience in managing conventional and alternative investment funds, we have acquired a unique expertise in asset management.

And because we focus on multi-manager funds, we have developed a strong and disciplined manager selection process that allows us to find and monitor the best Investment Managers if needed.


Risk management & compliance

Integrated risk management is central to our services.

We provide you with an integrated risk, investment compliance and valuation services. Being an integral part of our IT infrastructure, our risk systems guarantee an effective assessment and management of financial risks. They include a full range of risk indicators adapted to the risk profile, the asset class, as well as each fund’s investment strategy.

Based on the best market practices and compliant with ALFI and ESMA guidelines, our risk management services include:

  • Appraisal and monitoring of portfolio risk
  • Regulatory risk and investment compliance (including asset eligibility)
  • Periodic monitoring of asset evolution for UCITS and AIF vehicles
  • Independent NAV supervision
  • Production of customized risk management reports
  • Historical VaR, parametric VaR and Montecarlo simulation


Independent directorship

Under new UCITS V and AIFMD directives, the role of the Independent Director has become more important and is now considered a profession in its own right.

Indeed, your fund’s Board should ensure that high standards of corporate governance are applied at all times and have a good professional standing, appropriate experience, act fairly and independently in investors’ best interests and operate with due care and diligence in the performance of their duties. Additionally, the Board should ensure compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and with the fund’s constitutional documents.

Our panel of independent directors are all seasoned fund professionals with over 20 years’ experience in the asset management industry. They also cover a wide range of professional skills and backgrounds, including administration, regulatory, operations, legal, tax, portfolio management and risk management functions.


Distribution support & fund registration

With in-depth knowledge of European regulations, our team offers end-to-end distribution support and acts as a single point of contact, assisting with reporting and market access across multiple jurisdictions.

Our seasoned multi-lingual team masters the intricacies of European regulatory constraints and acts as a single point of contact with the various service providers.

Thanks to our total independence and close relationships with service providers, we offer impartial advice and help you obtain competitive prices. Naturally, our service is tailored to your specific distribution requirements.

We also assist you in devising and implementing your distribution strategy and introduce you to our network of distribution specialists in Europe.




The Undertakings for the Collective Investment of Transferable Securities (UCITS) is a regulatory framework of the European Commission that creates a harmonized regime throughout Europe for the management and sale of mutual funds. UCITS funds can be registered in Europe and sold to investors worldwide using unified regulatory and investor protection requirements. UCITS fund providers who meet the standards are exempt from national regulation in individual European countries.

As a fully-licensed UCITS Management Company in Luxembourg, we can support the launch and distribution of your UCITS funds with an operationally ready solution, complete with independent directors, risk management and designated persons/conducting officers.

  • Dedicated Fund Project Team, who will become your…
  • Dedicated Key Account Management Team
  • Product structuring; White Labelling (one-stop-shop, legal, operational; administrative)
  • Risk Management and Investment Compliance
  • PRIIPs production
  • UCITS reporting
  • Solvency II reporting
  • FATCA/CRS reporting
  • EMIR reporting
  • MiFIR reporting
  • Liquidity stress testing
  • Directorship
  • RC mandates
  • CSSF Self-assessment questionnaire support
  • Board/Shareholders Meetings
  • Corporate Governance/Circular Resolutions
  • Distribution Support – Fund Registration/Platform uploads
  • Withholding tax reclaim


The Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) is a European Union (EU) regulation that applies to Alternative Investment Funds (“AIF”). AIFs cover all non-UCITS funds, wherever domiciled, which are either managed within the EU or marketed to investors within the EU. The AIFMD sets standards for marketing around raising private capital, remuneration policies, risk monitoring and reporting, and overall accountability.

As an authorised Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM) in Luxembourg, we can support the launch and distribution of AIFs with an operationally ready solution, complete with independent directors, risk management and designated persons/conducting officers.

  • Dedicated Fund Project Team. who will become your…
  • Dedicated Key Account Management Team
  • Product structuring & White Labelling (one-stop-shop, legal, operational & administrative)
  • Risk Management and Investment Compliance
  • PRIIPs production
  • AIFMD reporting
  • Solvency II reporting
  • FATCA/CRS reporting
  • EMIR reporting
  • MiFIR reporting
  • Liquidity stress testing
  • Directorship
  • RC mandates
  • CSSF Self-assessment questionnaire support
  • Board/Shareholders Meetings
  • Corporate Governance/Circular Resolutions
  • Distribution Support – Fund Registration/Platform uploads
  • Withholding tax reclaim

Sustainability related disclosures

The European Union has positioned itself as one of the leaders in sustainable finance by setting ambitious targets for the transition to more sustainable, resource-efficient and low-carbon economic growth. Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on sustainability‐related disclosures in the financial services sector (SFDR)* is one of the pillars and drivers of this transition defining a regime under which financial products must comply with transparency rules toward end investors. SFDR / Article 6 This product integrates sustainability risks into its investment process. SFDR / Article 8 In addition to integrating sustainability risks in the investment process, this product may:

  • promote environmental or social characteristics using sustainable factors and ESG ratings, or
  • commit to a minimum percentage of sustainable investments with environmental or social objective,
  • and/or commit to take into consideration Principal Adverse Impact indicators.

SFDR / Article 9 This product has a sustainable investment objective and an expected high exposure to sustainable investments (meaning investments in an economic activity that contributes to an environmental or social objective, provided that investments do not significantly harm any environmental or social objective and that the investee companies follow good governance practices).

List of funds managed by NS Partners Europe S.A. with environmental/social characteristics and sustainable investments:

The details can be found on the specific page of the relevant funds qualifying as SFDR / Article 8

As of today, NS Partners Europe S.A. does not manage funds under SFDR / Article 9


* for more information, please refer to the full regulation available on * for further details, please refer to our SUSTAINABILITY RISK POLICY and PAI STATEMENT.


The right tool and specialist know-how.

When expert craftsmanship delivers all you need for your fund.


Our turnkey solutions cover the complete legal, administrative, regulatory, and operational setup for regulated investment funds, including independent directorship when needed.


Your dedicated team

A designated team follows your project end-to-end, providing consistent, personalized support from launch through daily operations. This ensures you benefit from the best possible support on a day-to-day basis.

Your dedicated team

Uncompromising service quality

We go beyond standard services, offering a suite of complementary services and stable, long-standing teams that build strong, enduring relationships with our clients.

Uncompromising service quality

Comprehensive network

As an independent provider, we collaborate with a trusted network of tier one industry-leading custodians, administrators, and legal experts to deliver tailored solutions.

Comprehensive network


We provide ManCo services to a broad array of institutional partners investing in a wide variety of strategies.