December General Markets Comments

by Pierre Mouton Jan 1 2023

December General Markets Comments

“Heroes” – David Bowie, 1977.

2022 could have been year for heroes in financial markets. Imagine that, after Jay Powell’s announcement in November 2021 of higher for longer interest rates, you had positioned your portfolios for a 250 bps increase in US 10-year yields and for 8 Fed Funds Rates hikes totalling 425 bps. You would be a hero.

Even more a hero if you had bought energy stocks because you suspected that a war would break out in Europe and drive oil and gas prices through the roof. Even more again if you went short en vogue cryptocurrencies and Tesla, as both suffered very serious drawdowns for various reasons.

But at the end of the year, it appears that there were no heroes, as no one could have predicted the landslide changes the year 2022 witnessed. Years of accommodative monetary policies and peaceful times kind of hypnotized many investors who thought that Growth had beaten Value forever and that Central Bankers would always be market friendly. “We can beat them, forever and ever” says the song; 2022 shows once again that this does not apply for markets.

December has been a painful month, as evidenced by the negative returns posted by all asset classes, barring Gold (+3.14%): the S&P 500 abandoned 5.9%, the tech-heavy Nasdaq 9.1% (Tesla being a serious detractor with -36.7%), the MSCI Europe 3.6%, the Topix 4.7% and the MSCI Emerging Markets “only” 1.6%, helped by China’s U-turn on its zero-Covid stance.

Long-term yields rose again (+27 bps for the US 10-year, +64 bps for the Bund), in parallel with another month of underperformance from Growth versus Value (-6.15% and -2.6% respectively). Credit was flattish (-0.4% for the Itraxx Crossover), like Oil (-0.4%). The broad Commodities Index was down 0.7%.





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