A new name for a new phase: Notz Stucki becomes NS Partners

by NS Partners Sep 14 2021


NOTZ STUCKI becomes NS PARTNERS. This shift will be marked by a visual identity makeover, with a refashioned logo and a new slogan.

The change is a response to the company’s development over the past few years. Indeed, for the past two years the Group entered a new phase in its development, which translated into a renewal of its organisation.

In addition, while its original focus was on private banking and alternative funds, NS PARTNERS has greatly diversified over the past few years, as demonstrated by the success of its traditional investment funds and the growth of its investment fund services and engineering at its Luxembourg ManCo.

The letters NS, which were already used for our funds and some of our projects, are the initials of our two founders, Beat Notz and Christian Stucki. They bear witness ofl our story in a concrete way and attest to our wish to maintain continuity. As for the word PARTNERS, it expresses the inclusion of new shareholders and the partnerships that we intend to create with our employees, our business partners, and our clients”, said Frédéric de Poix, Member of the Executive Committee.

A new slogan

This name change comes with a new slogan, “Invest with talent”, reflecting NS PARTNERS’s conviction that there are a number of truly talented individuals who generate real added value in terms of investing.

“Starting in the ‘60s, the group has been a pioneer in selecting the world’s best fund managers and in working in open architecture. This innovative concept met with a huge success, making NS PARTNERS one of the top independent wealth managers in Switzerland today. At the same time, drawing on synergies with our internal fund management teams, we have developed substantial expertise in several key themes”, added Cédric Dingens, Member of the Executive Committee.

Read full media release.

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