Septembre en Or - Zoé4life La couleur OR est la couleur symbolique du cancer de l’enfant A cet effet, Zoé4life a instauré le mouvement “septembre en OR” en Suisse romande en 2013, sur la base de ce qui se faisait déjà à l’étranger. Soyons #extraORdinaire pour permettre aux enfants atteints…
NS SPORT x NS IMPACT Créée pour soutenir Zoé, une petite fille atteinte d’un cancer, Zoé4life a choisi de poursuivre le combat bien qu’elle n’ait pu être guérie. Chaque année en Suisse, entre 300 et 350 enfants sont diagnostiqués avec un cancer et 1 enfant en décède chaque semaine. L'association…
Prévention et tri des déchets Le 29 juin dernier NS Partners a accueilli l'association Zerowaste Switzerland afin de partager avec tous les collaborateurs des astuces pour aider à la prévention et au tri des déchets. Les intervenants ont répondu à des questions que nous devrions tous nous poser: Quels déchets…
Courir pour soutenir la recherche sur les cancers des enfants Crise sanitaire oblige, la course organisée depuis plusieurs années par l'Association Hubert Gouin - Enfance & Cancer afin de soutenir la recherche sur les cancers pédiatriques s’est adaptée à la situation est est devenue « virtuelle ». Ce format complétement…
Septembre en Or - Collectif Gravir Le cancer est la première cause de décès par maladie chez les enfants, et chaque jour plus d’un enfant ou adolescent décède des suites d’un cancer. Malgré les nombreuses avancées sur les plans scientifiques, médicaux et organisationnels, sous l’impulsion des associations, des sociétés savantes,…
NS court pour l'APRA Depuis 2 ans, Notz Stucki soutient financièrement l’APRA (Association Suisse pour la Recherche sur l’Alzheimer). Cette année, nous avions également la volonté de nous engager personnellement pour cette cause et donner l’opportunité à nos collaborateurs de s’exprimer. Nous avons choisi l’évènement du marathon de Genève, avec…
APRA - De mémoire en oubli Nous avons choisi de soutenir l’Association Suisse pour la Recherche sur l’Alzheimer, et plus spécialement la publication de ce recueil de textes consacrés à la mémoire et à l’oubli. Ce recueil a réuni autour de ces thématiques des auteurs, des dessinateurs, des peintres suisses…
Association sportive Schtroumpfs Genève - Randoschtroumpfs 2018 Pour sa 17ème édition la Rando Schtroumpf s'est déroulée le 1er septembre 2018. Elle fait partie des manifestations phares de l’Association Sportive des Schtroumpfs dans le sens où elle revêt un caractère festif pour toutes les personnes handicapées qui participent tout en étant…
APRA - Inauguration Centre de la Mémoire En Suisse on compte environ 140’000 cas de démence dont la maladie d’Alzheimer, un chiffre qui s’élèvera à 200’000 d’ici 2030. En 2007, le coût global lié aux démences était estimé à 6.3 milliards de francs, auxquels il faut rajouter les coûts indirects…
Association sportive Schtroumpfs Genève En 1976, quelques parents d’enfants mentalement handicapés, ont décidé de créer une Association afin de promouvoir l’intégration par le sport des personnes en situation de handicap mental. Actuellement, notre Association est composée de 4 sections actives et accueille quelques 100 membres handicapés mentaux qui pratiquent le…
Antonio Mira joined NS Partners in 2006 as Group Chief Financial Officer. He heads the corporate functions and is involved in coordinating and implementing the decisions of the Executive Committee. An experienced bank auditor, Antonio started his career in 1995 with Arthur Andersen, where he worked for some 7 years before joining Ernst & Young in 2002 as a Senior Manager. Antonio is a Swiss chartered accountant and a Business graduate of Lausanne University (HEC).
The challenge is to have the right agenda to orient the business, its transformation and the appropriate use of data.
Sébastien Poiret
Sébastien Poiret joined NS Partners in 2008 and manages funds of hedge funds and private client mandates. He also oversees the development of the Group’s offices in Mauritius.
Prior to joining NS Partners, he served as a Trader, Head of Manager research and Portfolio Manager in the USA and Switzerland for a single hedge fund (1998-2004) and for Optimal (2004-2008), Grupo Santander’s fund-of-hedge funds operations.
Sébastien holds a Bachelor’s degree in Corporate Finance from the ESPEME Business School (EDHEC Group) and an MBA in Finance and Economics from the Institute of Business Administration, both in Nice.
It’s all about finding the right balance between making money, capital preservation and liquidity.
Abir Oreibi
Abir Oreibi joined the Board of the NS Partners Group in 2018, where she brings her truly international perspective and rich experience. Among many other ventures, Abir set up’s first European office. After living and working in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Bangkok and London, she now lives in Geneva, where she is CEO of Lift Events, an organization that identifies technology trends, their business and social impact through the organization of events and open innovation programs. Issues related to the challenges and opportunities created by new technologies as well as the strategic responses from organizations are at the heart of Lift’s activities. Abir holds a BA in Political Sciences from the University of Geneva. She is an investor, and member of advisory and innovation boards.
Nothing great is created by following the herd. Whoever has heard of Alexander the Average?
Romain Pidoux, CAIA
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Romain Pidoux joined NS Partners in 2011 and heads the Group’s Risk Management. He started his financial career in 2005 as Head of Quantitative Analysis for a Swiss Family Office, selecting funds and managing portfolio allocation. In 2008, he switched to the alternative world and joined Peak Partners as hedge funds analyst. He is a Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA) and holds a Master’s degree in international relations from the Graduate Institute of International Studies at Geneva University.
If you want peace, prepare for war. The same goes with risk management.
OUR FUND SERVICESFund Engineering & Set Up
We coordinate your fund project from end to end and assist you through all the legal, administrative, regulatory and operational steps required to launch a Luxembourg investment fund.
We assist you with constitutive documents drafting (articles of incorporation and prospectus), the investment management, advisory and distribution agreements, the central administration, custodian bank and domiciliation service agreements, the risk management process, as well as the internal investment guidelines. We organise the operational setup and help you select all the providers and partners you need.
We advise you, file the constitutive documents of your fund and liaise with Luxembourg authorities (CSSF) until approval.
OUR FUND SERVICESDistribution support & Fund registration
The marketing of your fund is an essential factor of your success. Yet, distributing funds, both within and beyond Europe, can be a daunting task for investment managers, who struggle to meet their various reporting requirements.
Our seasoned and multi-lingual team masters the intricacies of European regulatory constraints and acts as a single point of contact with the various service providers.
Thanks to our total independence and close relationships with service providers, we offer impartial advice and help you obtain competitive prices. Naturally, our service is tailored to your specific distribution requirements.
We also assist you in devising and implementing your distribution strategy and introduce you to our network of distribution specialists in Europe.
OUR FUND SERVICESIndependent Directorship
Under new UCITS V and AIFMD directives, the role of the Independent Director has become more important and is now considered a profession in its own right.
Indeed, your fund’s Board should ensure that high standards of corporate governance are applied at all times and have a good professional standing, appropriate experience, act fairly and independently in investors’ best interests and operate with due care and diligence in the performance of their duties. Additionally, the Board should ensure compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and with the fund’s constitutional documents.
Our panel of independent directors are all seasoned fund professionals with over 20 years’ experience in the asset management industry. They also cover a wide range of professional skills and backgrounds, including administration, regulatory, operations, legal, tax, portfolio management and risk management functions.
OUR FUND SERVICESRisk Management & Compliance
Risk management is in our DNA.
We provide you with an integrated risk and investment compliance management service. Being an integral part of our IT infrastructure, our risk systems guarantee an effective assessment and management of financial risks. They include a full range of risk indicators adapted to the risk profile, the asset class, as well as each fund’s investment strategy.
Based on the best market practices and compliant with ALFI and ESMA guidelines, our risk management services include:
Appraisal and monitoring of portfolio risk
Regulatory risk and investment compliance (including asset eligibility)
Periodic monitoring of asset evolution for UCITS and AIF vehicles
Independent NAV supervision
Production of customized risk management reports
Historical VaR, parametric VaR and Montecarlo simulation
OUR FUND SERVICESInvestment Management
Thanks to our 55 years’ experience in managing conventional and alternative investment funds, we have acquired a unique expertise in asset management.
And because we focus on multi-manager funds, we have developed a strong and disciplined manager selection process that allows us to find and monitor the best Investment Managers if needed.
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