Confronting perceptions

Antonio and I had the pleasure to give a lecture to HEC 3rd year students on March 29th. We presented our views of the different challenges affecting our industry with a focus on the digital trends.
In order to compare Millenials and investment professionals’ perception, we decided to do a live survey on snapchat (a social network) . We are pleased to share the results below:
Even though the difference is not significative . It’s somehow logical that students don’t value experience as much as we do, they intuitively believe that their motivation and knowledge can overpower the experience.
The new generation is, of course, more tech-savvy. It is also to be expected that they will find more value than us in a tech company. But they are not naïve, the majority still believe that knowledge must be constructed through years and the “know-how” still needs humans.
On the other hand we were very surprised to notice that some answers were far from what we expected and especially on the social network topic.
We were expecting young people to like quirky stuff and to expect that from us. It turns out that they are even more conservative than us on this topic.
Students use social networks for what they are the conclusion here is clear: they don’t wish us to give impertinent content, but they don’t expect us to give Research either. They certainly view social networks as a fun place with no space for the finance industry.
To conclude, I would say that it was a very interesting exercise for us to confront our reality and our challenge to students, who might be our clients of tomorrow.
And a little souvenir with Mr Goyal !