NS Partners Reaches EUR 2 Billion in Long-Only UCITS & AMC Assets

by NS Partners Mar 10 2025

NS Partners Reaches EUR 2 Billion in Long-Only UCITS & AMC Assets

NS Partners is proud to announce that our long-only UCITS and AMC family of products has surpassed EUR 2 billion in assets under management, a key milestone that reflects the continued growth and success of our firm’s investment strategies.

Since the launch of our first SICAV fund in 1998, our UCITS platform has expanded to encompass more than 15 distinct investment strategies. This diverse offering enables us to serve a wide range of investors, from private clients to institutional partners, with solutions designed to navigate today’s evolving market landscape.

This achievement is a recognition of the trust and confidence of our clients and partners, as well as the dedication and expertise of our teams. It also underscores the complementarity of our long-only strategies with our heritage in alternative and multi-manager fund management, reinforcing our commitment to generating sustainable performance and long-term value. We are truly grateful for the continued support of our clients, whose trust and long-term commitment drive us to continuously improve and innovate.

With an expanding distribution network across multiple European markets, we remain focused on delivering high-quality, innovative investment solutions tailored to the evolving needs of investors. We look forward to building on this success and continuing to grow together.





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