June General Markets Comments

by Pierre Mouton Jul 1 2022

June General Markets Comments

« I want to know » – Adriano Celentano

I want to know… we all want to know: are we headed into a recession, or a slowdown? Have valuations sufficiently shrunk for this type of economic environment, or should we expect more pain ahead? Are fixed-income markets right when they bet on inflation coming back to 2.5% five years from now, or is core inflation higher and stickier? Are Central Banks still behind the curve, or ahead  now that economic activity seems more fragile? Will Russia and Ukraine agree one some kind of ceasefire soon, or will this conflict last for years as many military experts warn?

So many questions and so little clear answers indeed. We would like to know, but we don’t.

Uncertainty is the biggest handicap for financial markets to perform correctly and/or to behave smoothly; this is the reason why markets are so challenging and frustrating this year. The only strong message we receive from equity markets is that a severe slowdown, or a recession, is underway: only defensive sectors resist to the meltdown, and recently we have seen Energy and Materials, two good sectors so far this year, crack as well. Fixed-income markets indicate a mixed outlook: Government bonds yields are still quite high (read: low probability of a recession), but  Credit suffers, as witnessed by the Itraxx Crossover which lost 5.2% in June, and this is a signal of economic trouble ahead. Commodity markets are difficult to interpret: if a recession was due, they should crater, but they don’t, due to obvious supply constraints.

The MSCI World sank 8.8% in June, the S&P 500 8.4%, the MSCI Europe 7.9% the MSCI Emerging Markets 7.2%, and if Japan seemed to resist with a 2.2% drawdown for the Topix, this has to be mitigated by the dismal performance of the Yen (down 5.5% versus the dollar in June, 17.9% year to date!).

Oil fell 7.8%, more or less like Equity markets, Gold abandoned 1.6%, and Government bonds yields rose again: +17 bps for the US, +21 bps for Germany and +14 bps for Italy.






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