General Markets Comments – February

by Pierre Mouton Mar 10 2022

February General Markets Comments

War, what is it good for? Absolutely Nothing. It ain’t nothing but a heart-breaker, Friend only to The Undertaker. Oh, war it’s an enemy to all mankind Edwin Starr, 1969

It is a heart-breaker to talk about markets in the current environment when we know what’s happening in Ukraine, with consequences far beyond financial markets.

In this highly frightening context, it should come as no surprise to witness weakness overall for most assets, barring some of the traditional safe havens like Gold (up 6.2% in February, but only 4.4% year to date), the US dollar or the Swiss Franc.

Equities fell, but so did Government bonds, which is quite amazing in such an environment, even though they ended up stronger this month than they had started. The US 10 year saw its yield rise by 5 basis points, the German Bund by 12 basis points, and to highlight the risk-off attitude adopted by investors, the Italian 10 year yield jumped by 40 basis points. Credit suffered its second consecutive month of significant drawdown with a -2.4% return for the Itraxx Crossover in February (-4.4% year to date).

On the equity side, despite encouraging earnings publications, there were no places to hide: the MSCI World abandoned 2.7%, the S&P 500 3.1%, the MSCI Europe 3.2% and the MSCI Emerging Markets 3.1%; Japan showed some resistance with a limited 47 basis points retreat for the Topix.

Heightened tensions in commodity producing regions, added to the perspective of severe sanctions against Russia, propelled most commodity prices to the upside: Oil surged by 8.6% and is now up 27.3% in 2022, while the broad CRB Commodity Index added 5.5% in February (+15.8% year to date).

Such a strong performance from Commodities, coupled with steady levels of interest rates, clearly favoured Value sectors in equity markets: although the MSCI World Value was down 1.8% for the month, it fared much better than the MSCI World Growth which fell 3.6%; on a year-to-date basis, the former is only down 3.1% while the latter largely lags with a negative 12.6% return.






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