Chart of the Month – Rotations

I personally love skiing.
Like all ski addicts, I know what rotation means:
- Feet and knees trigger a change in orientation.
- Edge grip
- The upper body stays in front of the slope and does not rotate.
- The turn is controlled and mastered.
- Conclusion: rotation is necessary, good and helps
Like all equity portfolio managers, I know what rotation means:
- Growth outperforms Value, or Value outperforms Growth, in this secular opposition between styles.
- This happens whatever the direction of the market.
- A portfolio can suffer or profit from rotations.
- It is awfully difficult to time the market, and, on top of that, to time rotations.
- Conclusion: rotation is potentially dangerous
It’s easy to see that in skiing you are the source of the rotation, whereas in equity investing you are subject to it.

Source: NS Partners, Bloomberg
The Chart of the Month is divided in two parts:
- The upper part shows the performance of the MSCI World Net Total Return in euros since 2017. It has more than doubled.
- The orange line in the lower part displays the relative performance of the MSCI World Growth versus the rest of the market. It has bettered the MSCI World by more than 20%, but how volatile this has been! And the blue line represents the relative performance of our equity flagship DGC Stock Selection, which has done better than both the MSCI World and the MSCI World Growth over the period.
Investors have a natural tendency to try to time the market; this is very frequently a failure. Looking at all the rotations highlighted in the Chart of the Month, they also have to cope with styles, adding another risk of failure.
We believe at NS Partners that we offer a comprehensive and reasonable equity exposure with a blended global equity fund with no style bias, as shown by the blue line in the chart of the month. As you can see, our DGC Stock Selection fund has been able to deliver an appreciable outperformance, without having been biased towards Growth or Value, but by applying a disciplined approach in terms of valuations and quality.
History tells us that long periods of outperformance from one style versus another tend to correct, but the timing is uncertain. We expect many more rotations in the future.
Like an advanced skier who will always keep his shoulders in front of the slope to make sure he controls his trajectory while rotating his feet and knees, our fund will continue to focus on quality and valuations, whatever the sector, in order to smooth out style rotations and, hopefully, deliver superior performance for investors going forward.
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