August General Markets Comments

by Pierre Mouton Aug 31 2023

August General Markets Comments

“Hard to Handle”, Otis Redding, 1968, The Black Crowes, 1990.

Markets are good overall in 2023, but, to paraphrase Otis Redding in his 1968 song (and the Black Crowes in a very good reprise in 1990), they are definitely “hard to handle”. Why is it so? Well, first of all the economy, and especially in the US, has given us its dose of surprises: consensus pointed to a serious slowdown, possibly a recession, following the aggressive rates increases from Central Banks, but this has not materialized yet, and should probably not before at least Q2 2024. Then, the famous China reopening trade (remember, this was THE big thing in November 2022) has turned out to be a damp squib with the Chinese equity market and the renminbi lagging big time (the property market being one of the possible explanations). Then, the consensual view of a fading dollar in 2023 has proven wrong: not only does the broad dollar index (DXY) hold well, more or less flat this year, but two important currencies have slumped versus the greenback, namely the Japanese Yen and the Chinese renminbi (respectively down 10.97% and 5.22%). Finally, style wise, the overall increase in long term bond yields (+60 bps for the US 10 year, +18 bps for the German Bund) should have prevented Growth from performing well; thanks to the hype around Artificial Intelligence, Growth has humiliated Value so far this year (+27.38% for the MSCI World Growth versus a lacklustre +3.07% for its Value counterpart). Yes, hard to handle, indeed.

All equity indices were down in August 2023, barring the Japanese Topix (up 0.4%, but with a weak JPY, down 2.38% versus the dollar): -1.77% for the S&P500, -1.62% for the Nasdaq, -2.79% for the Stoxx 600 and a disastrous -6.36% for the MSCI Emerging Markets. On the fixed income side, Credit was flat, the US 10 year yield added 15bps, while the German 10 year Bund yield receded by 3 bps; this divergence might explain, at least partly, the weak euro (-1.53% versus the USD). Oil rose 2.24% for the WTI, while Gold abandoned 1.27%, here again a strong dollar providing a possible explanation.





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