Notz Stucki Europe SA passports its licenses in Ireland

by Paolo Faraone Oct 27 2018
Notz Stucki passports its license in Ireland
We are proud to announce that as of October 2018, Notz Stucki Europe, Luxembourg Super ManCo, has extended its Management Company license to Irish domiciled Funds.We will replicate our Luxembourgish one-stop-shop solution to set up, manage and distribute custom investment vehicle in Ireland.
Our Business Partners can benefit from our core services:

  • Investment Management
  • Risk Management
  • EU Distribution
  • Compliance Monitoring
  • Corporate Governance
  • Oversight of delegated functions

In addition, our Business Partners will also have the possibility to access the €2.5 trillion Irish fund market which ranks second in Europe for cross-border fund distribution.

To learn more about the specifications of the Irish UCITS, AIFs, QIAIFs and MMFs please refer to the this link

For a full view on Notz Stucki Europe services please see here

Irish domiciled funds

Irish domiciled funds – source: